
Temptation. 07/23/2011

And the LORD God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden;  but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.” - Genesis 16-17
The forbidden fruit, the ultimate temptation and the downfall of mankind. Temptation is a struggle everyone suffers from, whether it being food, lust, money, and sometimes even love. Temptation led to sin, and this sin led to greed. Today's society has been ravaged by greed and lust. Forced to expecting things to go our way always and to have what we want, when we want it.
I've found myself trapped in a scenario eerily similar to that of a bad teen-romance novel. Long story short, I want what I can't have, and I'm taking it anyway. The temptation of my very own 'forbidden fruit' has compelled me to do things I would not normally do, which I suppose is typical teenage behavior. But is the fact that I caved into my desires for my fruit bad, or is the fact that I understand the temptation and knowing what it's doing to myself and continuing on with it worse?
Have I made a fool of myself for caving to my temptations? Or simply lapsed into a behavior that is of my own age? ( I have always been told I act far from my own age.)
My addiction, my temptation, the one I can't let go. Is it a foolish love to have, just to be lost? Probably so. But ultimately, the end goal is experience and understanding of these things, understanding the connection between the heart and the brain. Or is it love fueled by the forbearance of it? Only time I suppose will tell.

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