"Absence is to love as wind is to fire; It extinguishes the small and kindles the great." - Roger de Bussy-Rabutin
It seems to take a very brave, and strong, person to be able to manage in a long distance relationship. It's difficult to be happy knowing your loved one is away, and that you may not see them for a long while. Even as a highly independent individual, I struggle with the sense of loneliness. One may think it may be because of my youth, that I'm just not capable of withstanding a long distance relationship or the maturity to understand it. And who knows, maybe I am. But as for now, it's a very real pain to have.
I saw my boyfriend orginally once very two weeks, on Saturdays, for that first few months. It was difficult, but manageable since I had school and work to fill in the time in between. Starting the end of June, through the beginning of July, I was able to see him every weekend. It was wonderful. It came to an abrupt halt though, and since July 16th, I have not seen him. Not being as busy leaves time to dwell on things. One may start to think of the troubles one is going through, and begin to analyze the problems. One may be sensitive to these things, and be upset, or overwhelmed by the stress of it all.
I've often times begin to wonder if it's even worth it at all. The anticipation, the disappointment, the worry. But once I've taken a moment to calm down and think about what he means to me, I remember that I love him, I remember that even though I know we won't always be together, and this is just a step into adulthood and what not. It's all an experience. Don't get me wrong, I love him dearly, and he will always have a tiny little place in my heart, but I know and understand that he won't always be there, and that there will be other men. This relationship has taught me patience, one must be patient to endure the perils of a long distance love, and it's taught me understanding. I've always seen the world as black and white, it is or it isn't. I've never thought the one could change for good, they'd always have that nagging evil in them. But my Love was once bad a bad person. Selfish. But he's changed for the better, and his experiences help me better understand the world around me. I'd like to believe that this relationship has done a lot of good for the both of us.
Seems I've gotten a bit off topic, no bother.
Earlier this evening I saw a post on Facebook about how a man thought that it was okay to have two girlfriends, because one lived far away. It makes me sad, to think that people are so disloyal, and so selfish. Maybe I'm just old-fashioned. I suppose a relationship ISN'T a commitment anymore. If you truly love someone, you should be satisfied with just them.
So here is some of my advice on a long-distance relationship;
1) Make sure your significant other is actually worth it. You have to know and understand yourself to be able to know what this person means to you. If this person doesn't bring any kind of comfort or happiness to you, don't bother with it.
2) Make sure your significant other thinks the same of you. If they don't, they're likely to get bored, and that could lead to an ugly break-up.
3) Make sure you are in a good mental state, it takes a lot to love someone you can't see often. If you aren't a emotionally strong person, this kind of relationship could lead to a very depressed state of mind.
4) Make sure you can stay FAITHFUL. If you know you get bored easily, or can't handle being faithful, well then maybe you shouldn't be in a relationship at all.
5) Try and keep yourself busy. The busier you are, the less you'll think about it.
A long distance relationship doesn't have to be a horrible burden. I know that my boyfriend is my best friend, because since I don't see him often we have to have a strong friendship in order for our relationship to work. Whether if he were here all the time, knowing and understanding the teenage state of mind, it would just be based off a more physical relationship, which would most likely mean we we're doomed as a couple.